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Showing posts with label Scientific Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scientific Research. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic: The Race to Develop a COVID-19 Vaccine


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Race to Develop a Covid-19 Vaccine.

When will we have a Covid-19 vaccine? Public-facing scientists such as the UK’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, and his US counterpart, Anthony Fauci, keep repeating that it won’t be before 12 to 18 months. But other voices – including some of those in the race to create a vaccine themselves – have suggested that it could be as early as June. Who is right?

Race for corona-virus vaccine picks up as Germany, UK begin trials for Covid-19

Covid-19 Race

he race to develop an effective vaccine against the novel corona-virus gathered pace this week, as clinical trials on humans were approved in Germany and launched in the UK.

Though there are now around 150 development projects worldwide, the German and British plans are among only five clinical trials on humans which have been approved across the globe.

In Britain, volunteers in a trial at the University of Oxford are set to be given on Thursday the first dose of a potential vaccine based on a virus found in chimpanzees.

Meanwhile on Wednesday, German regulatory body PEI green-lighted the country's first trials on human volunteers for a vaccine developed by German firm Biotech and US giant Pfizer.

Covid-19 Vaccine is Ready. Oxford University begins human trials. (To News Today)

Covid-19 Vaccine
Covid-19 Vaccine is Ready. Oxford University begins human trials, but vaccine may not be available till next year. (To News Today)

It's hoped that the production of the Oxford trial vaccine should start in September but before people could rejoice, Chief Medical Officer of England, Chris Whitty warned that we might not be able to reap its benefits this year.

The University of Oxford in the United Kingdom on Thursday started the human trial of the novel corona-virus vaccine it has developed.

In its first phase, the trial will be carried out on healthy adults between the age of 18 to 55. Once the safety is ascertained, it will be extended to elder people including that of Black and Asian minority ethnic (BAME) groups, including Indians.

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